Complete the items below to finalize your participation in MURTEC 2024

Questions? Email Show Producer Mikaela Perry

MURTEC 2024 Speaker Guide

Immediate Action Items




Submit your MURTEC Speaker Profile Information

Headshot: 300 dpi (or higher)

Bio: 250 words or less

Onsite contact number: Best phone number to reach you day of event

Due date: Immediately

Email to: Mikaela Perry

Register for the event

Register using the unique link sent via email (waives all registration fees)

Email Mikaela Perry to have your registration link resent

Book your hotel

For additional information about Paris Las Vegas Hotel, click here

Book here: Paris Las Vegas

Speaker Guidelines

- Be present at show-site at least 60 minutes prior to your speaking time

- Arrive to the tech table at your scheduled time sent via calendar invite

- Take off your event name tag prior to walking on stage



Draft of Presentation

Tuesday, Februray 27

Final Presentation

Tuesday, March 5

Presentation Element


File Type

Power Point Presentation



Font Size

Minimum: 20pt

Maximum: 34pt


- No vendor logos

- Heavy graphics and videos encouraged

- Steer clear of sales-speak or overt advertising of products and service (talk about trends in the industry, let your story-telling do the talking)

MURTEC slide deck template forthcoming

If a video is included in your presentation, please follow these guidelines:

  • Do not embed into power point or insert Youtube link
  • Email mp4 file in advance to a MURTEC editorial team member
  • Make a note of where video should be played in presentation and MURTEC AV team will play

Additional details forthcoming


A confidence monitor will be available. This will include the countdown timer for your session, as well as a speaker-facing view of the slides shown on the screen. Please reach out with any additional questions

Take both of the following steps:

- Email the Hospitality Technology team immediately with your new presentation

- Bring the new presentation on a flash drive to the tech table

The MURTEC Team will provide a script via email for your review prior to the event